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What To Consider When Going Back To School After An SCI?

What To Consider When Going Back To School After An SCI?

Going back to school can be overwhelming after a spinal cord injury. You will be dealing with so much apart from the feeling of not being able-bodied anymore. Apart from that there are also some new challenges that need your attention before you go back to class: navigating around campus in your chair, building extra time into your schedule for bathroom breaks or taking medicine, and adapting classes such as physical education.

Here is a list of things you should think about before returning – how much homework you get might have to change in order to accommodate your capabilities, all the way to what books you might not be able to reach anymore as the shelves are too tall.


Talking to teachers about your new time requirements is important. If you need more breaks for the bathroom or other things, make sure they know what’s going on and when so there are no problems. You may also find it helpful to leave one class early in order to get ready for another.

Desks And Seating

Whether you are at a desk in the classroom or at a table in the lunchroom, it is important to have appropriate seating options. If need be, desks and tables should be of an adequate size so that your wheelchair can comfortably roll under them, as well as allowing for easy reachability from any surface.

Science labs and special projects might not be a problem as they might be of a sufficient height to allow you to participate more fully without having restrictions due to physical height differences; however, this option varies depending on specific project/lab.


Accessible parking spaces are an important consideration for students who have disabilities, so make sure to ask about reserved spots in the student lot and of a ramp area that makes getting into school easy. Be aware as well of where accessible entrances to the building might be, because not all schools will have one available.

New Problems

You may not have to worry about new problems at school because some schools have teachers trained in dealing with issues such as students who might be confined to a wheelchair. The guidance teacher or counselor is also very adept at dealing with circumstances such as those. If anything arises, such as a challenge or learning issue, they will work with you until it is resolved and provide the best education possible.